/** @Name:util 工具集组件 @License:MIT */ layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ "use strict"; var $ = layui.$ //外部接口 ,util = { //固定块 fixbar: function(options){ var ELEM = 'layui-fixbar', TOP_BAR = 'layui-fixbar-top' ,dom = $(document), body = $('body') ,is, timer; options = $.extend({ showHeight: 200 //出现TOP的滚动条高度临界值 }, options); options.bar1 = options.bar1 === true ? '' : options.bar1; options.bar2 = options.bar2 === true ? '' : options.bar2; options.bgcolor = options.bgcolor ? ('background-color:' + options.bgcolor) : ''; var icon = [options.bar1, options.bar2, ''] //图标:信息、问号、TOP ,elem = $([''].join('')) ,topBar = elem.find('.'+TOP_BAR) ,scroll = function(){ var stop = dom.scrollTop(); if(stop >= (options.showHeight)){ is || (topBar.show(), is = 1); } else { is && (topBar.hide(), is = 0); } }; if($('.'+ ELEM)[0]) return; typeof options.css === 'object' && elem.css(options.css); body.append(elem), scroll(); //bar点击事件 elem.find('li').on('click', function(){ var othis = $(this), type = othis.attr('lay-type'); if(type === 'top'){ $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop : 0 }, 200); } options.click && options.click.call(this, type); }); //Top显示控制 dom.on('scroll', function(){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function(){ scroll(); }, 100); }); } //倒计时 ,countdown: function(endTime, serverTime, callback){ var that = this ,type = typeof serverTime === 'function' ,end = new Date(endTime).getTime() ,now = new Date((!serverTime || type) ? new Date().getTime() : serverTime).getTime() ,count = end - now ,time = [ Math.floor(count/(1000*60*60*24)) //天 ,Math.floor(count/(1000*60*60)) % 24 //时 ,Math.floor(count/(1000*60)) % 60 //分 ,Math.floor(count/1000) % 60 //秒 ]; if(type) callback = serverTime; var timer = setTimeout(function(){ that.countdown(endTime, now + 1000, callback); }, 1000); callback && callback(count > 0 ? time : [0,0,0,0], serverTime, timer); if(count <= 0) clearTimeout(timer); return timer; } //某个时间在当前时间的多久前 ,timeAgo: function(time, onlyDate){ var that = this ,arr = [[], []] ,stamp = new Date().getTime() - new Date(time).getTime(); //返回具体日期 if(stamp > 1000*60*60*24*31){ stamp = new Date(time); arr[0][0] = that.digit(stamp.getFullYear(), 4); arr[0][1] = that.digit(stamp.getMonth() + 1); arr[0][2] = that.digit(stamp.getDate()); //是否输出时间 if(!onlyDate){ arr[1][0] = that.digit(stamp.getHours()); arr[1][1] = that.digit(stamp.getMinutes()); arr[1][2] = that.digit(stamp.getSeconds()); } return arr[0].join('-') + ' ' + arr[1].join(':'); } //30天以内,返回“多久前” if(stamp >= 1000*60*60*24){ return ((stamp/1000/60/60/24)|0) + '天前'; } else if(stamp >= 1000*60*60){ return ((stamp/1000/60/60)|0) + '小时前'; } else if(stamp >= 1000*60*3){ //3分钟以内为:刚刚 return ((stamp/1000/60)|0) + '分钟前'; } else if(stamp < 0){ return '未来'; } else { return '刚刚'; } } //数字前置补零 ,digit: function(num, length){ var str = ''; num = String(num); length = length || 2; for(var i = num.length; i < length; i++){ str += '0'; } return num < Math.pow(10, length) ? str + (num|0) : num; } //转化为日期格式字符 ,toDateString: function(time, format){ var that = this ,date = new Date(time || new Date()) ,ymd = [ that.digit(date.getFullYear(), 4) ,that.digit(date.getMonth() + 1) ,that.digit(date.getDate()) ] ,hms = [ that.digit(date.getHours()) ,that.digit(date.getMinutes()) ,that.digit(date.getSeconds()) ]; format = format || 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'; return format.replace(/yyyy/g, ymd[0]) .replace(/MM/g, ymd[1]) .replace(/dd/g, ymd[2]) .replace(/HH/g, hms[0]) .replace(/mm/g, hms[1]) .replace(/ss/g, hms[2]); } //防 xss 攻击 ,escape: function(html){ return String(html || '').replace(/&(?!#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/"/g, '"'); } ,unescape: function(str){ return String(str || '').replace(/\&/g, '&') .replace(/\</g, '<').replace(/\>/g, '>') .replace(/\'/, '\'').replace(/\"/, '"'); } //批量事件 ,event: function(attr, obj, eventType){ var _body = $('body'); eventType = eventType || 'click'; //记录事件回调集合 obj = util.event[attr] = $.extend(true, util.event[attr], obj) || {}; //清除委托事件 util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK = util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK || {}; _body.off(eventType, '*['+ attr +']', util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK[attr]) //绑定委托事件 util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK[attr] = function(){ var othis = $(this) ,key = othis.attr(attr); (typeof obj[key] === 'function') && obj[key].call(this, othis); }; //清除旧事件,绑定新事件 _body.on(eventType, '*['+ attr +']', util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK[attr]); return obj; } }; // DOM 尺寸变化,该创意来自:http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-resize-plugin/ /* !function(a,b,c){"$:nomunge";function l(){f=b[g](function(){d.each(function(){var b=a(this),c=b.width(),d=b.height(),e=a.data(this,i);(c!==e.w||d!==e.h)&&b.trigger(h,[e.w=c,e.h=d])}),l()},e[j])}var f,d=a([]),e=a.resize=a.extend(a.resize,{}),g="setTimeout",h="resize",i=h+"-special-event",j="delay",k="throttleWindow";e[j]=250,e[k]=!0,a.event.special[h]={setup:function(){if(!e[k]&&this[g])return!1;var b=a(this);d=d.add(b),a.data(this,i,{w:b.width(),h:b.height()}),1===d.length&&l()},teardown:function(){if(!e[k]&&this[g])return!1;var b=a(this);d=d.not(b),b.removeData(i),d.length||clearTimeout(f)},add:function(b){function f(b,e,f){var g=a(this),h=a.data(this,i)||{};h.w=e!==c?e:g.width(),h.h=f!==c?f:g.height(),d.apply(this,arguments)}if(!e[k]&&this[g])return!1;var d;return a.isFunction(b)?(d=b,f):(d=b.handler,b.handler=f,void 0)}}}($,window); */ //暴露接口 exports('util', util); });