/** @Name:dropdown 下拉菜单组件 @License:MIT */ layui.define(['jquery', 'laytpl', 'lay'], function(exports){ "use strict"; var $ = layui.$ ,laytpl = layui.laytpl ,hint = layui.hint() ,device = layui.device() ,clickOrMousedown = (device.mobile ? 'click' : 'mousedown') //模块名 ,MOD_NAME = 'dropdown' ,MOD_INDEX = 'layui_'+ MOD_NAME +'_index' //模块索引名 //外部接口 ,dropdown = { config: {} ,index: layui[MOD_NAME] ? (layui[MOD_NAME].index + 10000) : 0 //设置全局项 ,set: function(options){ var that = this; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); return that; } //事件 ,on: function(events, callback){ return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); } } //操作当前实例 ,thisModule = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,id = options.id; thisModule.that[id] = that; //记录当前实例对象 return { config: options //重置实例 ,reload: function(options){ that.reload.call(that, options); } } } //字符常量 ,STR_ELEM = 'layui-dropdown', STR_HIDE = 'layui-hide', STR_DISABLED = 'layui-disabled', STR_NONE = 'layui-none' ,STR_ITEM_UP = 'layui-menu-item-up', STR_ITEM_DOWN = 'layui-menu-item-down', STR_MENU_TITLE = 'layui-menu-body-title', STR_ITEM_GROUP = 'layui-menu-item-group', STR_ITEM_PARENT = 'layui-menu-item-parent', STR_ITEM_DIV = 'layui-menu-item-divider', STR_ITEM_CHECKED = 'layui-menu-item-checked', STR_ITEM_CHECKED2 = 'layui-menu-item-checked2', STR_MENU_PANEL = 'layui-menu-body-panel', STR_MENU_PANEL_L = 'layui-menu-body-panel-left' ,STR_GROUP_TITLE = '.'+ STR_ITEM_GROUP + '>.'+ STR_MENU_TITLE //构造器 ,Class = function(options){ var that = this; that.index = ++dropdown.index; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, dropdown.config, options); that.init(); }; //默认配置 Class.prototype.config = { trigger: 'click' //事件类型 ,content: '' //自定义菜单内容 ,className: '' //自定义样式类名 ,style: '' //设置面板 style 属性 ,show: false //是否初始即显示菜单面板 ,isAllowSpread: true //是否允许菜单组展开收缩 ,isSpreadItem: true //是否初始展开子菜单 ,data: [] //菜单数据结构 ,delay: 300 //延迟关闭的毫秒数,若 trigger 为 hover 时才生效 }; //重载实例 Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ var that = this; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); that.init(true); }; //初始化准备 Class.prototype.init = function(rerender){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,elem = options.elem = $(options.elem); //若 elem 非唯一 if(elem.length > 1){ layui.each(elem, function(){ dropdown.render($.extend({}, options, { elem: this })); }); return that; } //若重复执行 render,则视为 reload 处理 if(!rerender && elem[0] && elem.data(MOD_INDEX)){; var newThat = thisModule.getThis(elem.data(MOD_INDEX)); if(!newThat) return; return newThat.reload(options); }; //初始化 id 参数 options.id = ('id' in options) ? options.id : that.index; if(options.show) that.render(rerender); //初始即显示 that.events(); //事件 }; //渲染 Class.prototype.render = function(rerender){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,elemBody = $('body') //默认菜单内容 ,getDefaultView = function(){ var elemUl = $(''); if(options.data.length > 0 ){ eachItemView(elemUl, options.data) } else { elemUl.html('
  • no menu
  • '); } return elemUl; } //遍历菜单项 ,eachItemView = function(views, data){ //var views = []; layui.each(data, function(index, item){ //是否存在子级 var isChild = item.child && item.child.length > 0 ,isSpreadItem = ('isSpreadItem' in item) ? item.isSpreadItem : options.isSpreadItem ,title = item.templet ? laytpl(item.templet).render(item) : (options.templet ? laytpl(options.templet).render(item) : item.title) //初始类型 ,type = function(){ if(isChild){ item.type = item.type || 'parent'; } if(item.type){ return ({ group: 'group' ,parent: 'parent' ,'-': '-' })[item.type] || 'parent'; } return ''; }(); if(type !== '-' && (!item.title && !item.id && !isChild)) return; //列表元素 var viewLi = $(['' //标题区 ,function(){ //是否超文本 var viewText = ('href' in item) ? ( ''+ title +'' ) : title; //是否存在子级 if(isChild){ return '
    '+ viewText + function(){ if(type === 'parent'){ return ''; } else if(type === 'group' && options.isAllowSpread){ return ''; } else { return ''; } }() +'
    ' } return '
    '+ viewText +'
    '; }() ,''].join('')); viewLi.data('item', item); //子级区 if(isChild){ var elemPanel = $('
    ') ,elemUl = $(''); if(type === 'parent'){ elemPanel.append(eachItemView(elemUl, item.child)); viewLi.append(elemPanel); } else { viewLi.append(eachItemView(elemUl, item.child)); } } views.append(viewLi); }); return views; } //主模板 ,TPL_MAIN = ['
    ' ,'
    '].join(''); //如果是右键事件,则每次触发事件时,将允许重新渲染 if(options.trigger === 'contextmenu' || lay.isTopElem(options.elem[0])) rerender = true; //判断是否已经打开了下拉菜单面板 if(!rerender && options.elem.data(MOD_INDEX +'_opened')) return; //记录模板对象 that.elemView = $(TPL_MAIN); that.elemView.append(options.content || getDefaultView()); //初始化某些属性 if(options.className) that.elemView.addClass(options.className); if(options.style) that.elemView.attr('style', options.style); //记录当前执行的实例索引 dropdown.thisId = options.id; //插入视图 that.remove(); //移除非当前绑定元素的面板 elemBody.append(that.elemView); options.elem.data(MOD_INDEX +'_opened', true); //坐标定位 that.position(); thisModule.prevElem = that.elemView; //记录当前打开的元素,以便在下次关闭 thisModule.prevElem.data('prevElem', options.elem); //将当前绑定的元素,记录在打开元素的 data 对象中 //阻止全局事件 that.elemView.find('.layui-menu').on(clickOrMousedown, function(e){ lay.stope(e); }); //触发菜单列表事件 that.elemView.find('.layui-menu li').on('click', function(e){ var othis = $(this) ,data = othis.data('item') || {} ,isChild = data.child && data.child.length > 0; if(!isChild && data.type !== '-'){ that.remove(); typeof options.click === 'function' && options.click(data, othis); } }); //触发菜单组展开收缩 that.elemView.find(STR_GROUP_TITLE).on('click', function(e){ var othis = $(this) ,elemGroup = othis.parent() ,data = elemGroup.data('item') || {} if(data.type === 'group' && options.isAllowSpread){ thisModule.spread(elemGroup); } }); //如果是鼠标移入事件,则鼠标移出时自动关闭 if(options.trigger === 'mouseenter'){ that.elemView.on('mouseenter', function(){ clearTimeout(thisModule.timer); }).on('mouseleave', function(){ that.delayRemove(); }); } }; //位置定位 Class.prototype.position = function(obj){ var that = this ,options = that.config; lay.position(options.elem[0], that.elemView[0], { position: options.position ,e: that.e ,clickType: options.trigger === 'contextmenu' ? 'right' : null }); }; //删除视图 Class.prototype.remove = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,elemPrev = thisModule.prevElem; //若存在已打开的面板元素,则移除 if(elemPrev){ elemPrev.data('prevElem') && ( elemPrev.data('prevElem').data(MOD_INDEX +'_opened', false) ); elemPrev.remove(); } }; //延迟删除视图 Class.prototype.delayRemove = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config; clearTimeout(thisModule.timer); thisModule.timer = setTimeout(function(){ that.remove(); }, options.delay); }; //事件 Class.prototype.events = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config; //如果传入 hover,则解析为 mouseenter if(options.trigger === 'hover') options.trigger = 'mouseenter'; //解除上一个事件 if(that.prevElem) that.prevElem.off(options.trigger, that.prevElemCallback); //记录被绑定的元素及回调 that.prevElem = options.elem; that.prevElemCallback = function(e){ clearTimeout(thisModule.timer); that.e = e; that.render(); e.preventDefault(); //组件打开完毕的时间 typeof options.ready === 'function' && options.ready(that.elemView, options.elem, that.e.target); }; //触发元素事件 options.elem.on(options.trigger, that.prevElemCallback); //如果是鼠标移入事件 if(options.trigger === 'mouseenter'){ //直行鼠标移出事件 options.elem.on('mouseleave', function(){ that.delayRemove(); }); } }; //记录所有实例 thisModule.that = {}; //记录所有实例对象 //获取当前实例对象 thisModule.getThis = function(id){ var that = thisModule.that[id]; if(!that) hint.error(id ? (MOD_NAME +' instance with ID \''+ id +'\' not found') : 'ID argument required'); return that; }; //设置菜单组展开和收缩状态 thisModule.spread = function(othis){ //菜单组展开和收缩 var elemIcon = othis.children('.'+ STR_MENU_TITLE).find('.layui-icon'); if(othis.hasClass(STR_ITEM_UP)){ othis.removeClass(STR_ITEM_UP).addClass(STR_ITEM_DOWN); elemIcon.removeClass('layui-icon-down').addClass('layui-icon-up'); } else { othis.removeClass(STR_ITEM_DOWN).addClass(STR_ITEM_UP); elemIcon.removeClass('layui-icon-up').addClass('layui-icon-down') } }; //全局事件 ;!function(){ var _WIN = $(window) ,_DOC = $(document); //自适应定位 _WIN.on('resize', function(){ if(!dropdown.thisId) return; var that = thisModule.getThis(dropdown.thisId); if(!that) return; if(!that.elemView[0] || !$('.'+ STR_ELEM)[0]){ return false; } var options = that.config; if(options.trigger === 'contextmenu'){ that.remove(); } else { that.position(); } }); //点击任意处关闭 _DOC.on(clickOrMousedown, function(e){ if(!dropdown.thisId) return; var that = thisModule.getThis(dropdown.thisId) if(!that) return; var options = that.config; //如果触发的是绑定的元素,或者属于绑定元素的子元素,则不关闭 //满足条件:当前绑定的元素不是 body document,或者不是鼠标右键事件 if(!(lay.isTopElem(options.elem[0]) || options.trigger === 'contextmenu')){ if( e.target === options.elem[0] || options.elem.find(e.target)[0] || e.target === that.elemView[0] || (that.elemView && that.elemView.find(e.target)[0]) ) return; } that.remove(); }); //基础菜单的静态元素事件 var ELEM_LI = '.layui-menu:not(.layui-dropdown-menu) li'; _DOC.on('click', ELEM_LI, function(e){ var othis = $(this) ,parent = othis.parents('.layui-menu').eq(0) ,isChild = othis.hasClass(STR_ITEM_GROUP) || othis.hasClass(STR_ITEM_PARENT) ,filter = parent.attr('lay-filter') || parent.attr('id') ,options = lay.options(this); //非触发元素 if(othis.hasClass(STR_ITEM_DIV)) return; //非菜单组 if(!isChild){ //选中 parent.find('.'+ STR_ITEM_CHECKED).removeClass(STR_ITEM_CHECKED); //清除选中样式 parent.find('.'+ STR_ITEM_CHECKED2).removeClass(STR_ITEM_CHECKED2); //清除父级菜单选中样式 othis.addClass(STR_ITEM_CHECKED); //添加选中样式 othis.parents('.'+ STR_ITEM_PARENT).addClass(STR_ITEM_CHECKED2); //添加父级菜单选中样式 //触发事件 layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'click('+ filter +')', options); } }); //基础菜单的展开收缩事件 _DOC.on('click', (ELEM_LI + STR_GROUP_TITLE), function(e){ var othis = $(this) ,elemGroup = othis.parents('.'+ STR_ITEM_GROUP +':eq(0)') ,options = lay.options(elemGroup[0]); if(('isAllowSpread' in options) ? options.isAllowSpread : true){ thisModule.spread(elemGroup); }; }); //判断子级菜单是否超出屏幕 var ELEM_LI_PAR = '.layui-menu .'+ STR_ITEM_PARENT _DOC.on('mouseenter', ELEM_LI_PAR, function(e){ var othis = $(this) ,elemPanel = othis.find('.'+ STR_MENU_PANEL); if(!elemPanel[0]) return; var rect = elemPanel[0].getBoundingClientRect(); //是否超出右侧屏幕 if(rect.right > _WIN.width()){ elemPanel.addClass(STR_MENU_PANEL_L); //不允许超出左侧屏幕 rect = elemPanel[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if(rect.left < 0){ elemPanel.removeClass(STR_MENU_PANEL_L); } } //是否超出底部屏幕 if(rect.bottom > _WIN.height()){ elemPanel.eq(0).css('margin-top', -(rect.bottom - _WIN.height())); }; }).on('mouseleave', ELEM_LI_PAR, function(e){ var othis = $(this) ,elemPanel = othis.children('.'+ STR_MENU_PANEL); elemPanel.removeClass(STR_MENU_PANEL_L); elemPanel.css('margin-top', 0); }); }(); //重载实例 dropdown.reload = function(id, options){ var that = thisModule.getThis(id); if(!that) return this; that.reload(options); return thisModule.call(that); }; //核心入口 dropdown.render = function(options){ var inst = new Class(options); return thisModule.call(inst); }; exports(MOD_NAME, dropdown); });