using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using S7.Net.Types; namespace S7.Net.Protocol { internal static class Serialization { public static ushort GetWordAt(IList buf, int index) { return (ushort)((buf[index] << 8) + buf[index]); } public static byte[] SerializeDataItem(DataItem dataItem) { if (dataItem.Value == null) { throw new Exception($"DataItem.Value is null, cannot serialize. StartAddr={dataItem.StartByteAdr} VarType={dataItem.VarType}"); } if (dataItem.Value is string s) return dataItem.VarType switch { VarType.S7String => S7String.ToByteArray(s, dataItem.Count), VarType.S7WString => S7WString.ToByteArray(s, dataItem.Count), _ => Types.String.ToByteArray(s, dataItem.Count) }; return SerializeValue(dataItem.Value); } public static byte[] SerializeValue(object value) { switch (value.GetType().Name) { case "Boolean": return new[] { (byte)((bool)value ? 1 : 0) }; case "Byte": return Types.Byte.ToByteArray((byte)value); case "Int16": return Types.Int.ToByteArray((Int16)value); case "UInt16": return Types.Word.ToByteArray((UInt16)value); case "Int32": return Types.DInt.ToByteArray((Int32)value); case "UInt32": return Types.DWord.ToByteArray((UInt32)value); case "Single": return Types.Real.ToByteArray((float)value); case "Double": return Types.LReal.ToByteArray((double)value); case "DateTime": return Types.DateTime.ToByteArray((System.DateTime)value); case "Byte[]": return (byte[])value; case "Int16[]": return Types.Int.ToByteArray((Int16[])value); case "UInt16[]": return Types.Word.ToByteArray((UInt16[])value); case "Int32[]": return Types.DInt.ToByteArray((Int32[])value); case "UInt32[]": return Types.DWord.ToByteArray((UInt32[])value); case "Single[]": return Types.Real.ToByteArray((float[])value); case "Double[]": return Types.LReal.ToByteArray((double[])value); case "String": // Hack: This is backwards compatible with the old code, but functionally it's broken // if the consumer does not pay attention to string length. var stringVal = (string)value; return Types.String.ToByteArray(stringVal, stringVal.Length); case "DateTime[]": return Types.DateTime.ToByteArray((System.DateTime[])value); case "DateTimeLong[]": return Types.DateTimeLong.ToByteArray((System.DateTime[])value); default: throw new InvalidVariableTypeException(); } } public static void SetAddressAt(ByteArray buffer, int index, int startByte, byte bitNumber) { var start = startByte * 8 + bitNumber; buffer[index + 2] = (byte)start; start >>= 8; buffer[index + 1] = (byte)start; start >>= 8; buffer[index] = (byte)start; } public static void SetWordAt(ByteArray buffer, int index, ushort value) { buffer[index] = (byte)(value >> 8); buffer[index + 1] = (byte)value; } } }