using Opc.Ua;
using Opc.Ua.Client;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace OpcUaHelper
/// 辅助类
public class FormUtils
/// Gets the display text for the access level attribute.
/// The access level.
/// The access level formatted as a string.
private static string GetAccessLevelDisplayText( byte accessLevel )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( );
if (accessLevel == AccessLevels.None)
buffer.Append( "None" );
if ((accessLevel & AccessLevels.CurrentRead) == AccessLevels.CurrentRead)
buffer.Append( "Read" );
if ((accessLevel & AccessLevels.CurrentWrite) == AccessLevels.CurrentWrite)
if (buffer.Length > 0)
buffer.Append( " | " );
buffer.Append( "Write" );
if ((accessLevel & AccessLevels.HistoryRead) == AccessLevels.HistoryRead)
if (buffer.Length > 0)
buffer.Append( " | " );
buffer.Append( "HistoryRead" );
if ((accessLevel & AccessLevels.HistoryWrite) == AccessLevels.HistoryWrite)
if (buffer.Length > 0)
buffer.Append( " | " );
buffer.Append( "HistoryWrite" );
if ((accessLevel & AccessLevels.SemanticChange) == AccessLevels.SemanticChange)
if (buffer.Length > 0)
buffer.Append( " | " );
buffer.Append( "SemanticChange" );
return buffer.ToString( );
/// Gets the display text for the event notifier attribute.
/// The event notifier.
/// The event notifier formatted as a string.
private static string GetEventNotifierDisplayText( byte eventNotifier )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( );
if (eventNotifier == EventNotifiers.None)
buffer.Append( "None" );
if ((eventNotifier & EventNotifiers.SubscribeToEvents) == EventNotifiers.SubscribeToEvents)
buffer.Append( "Subscribe" );
if ((eventNotifier & EventNotifiers.HistoryRead) == EventNotifiers.HistoryRead)
if (buffer.Length > 0)
buffer.Append( " | " );
buffer.Append( "HistoryRead" );
if ((eventNotifier & EventNotifiers.HistoryWrite) == EventNotifiers.HistoryWrite)
if (buffer.Length > 0)
buffer.Append( " | " );
buffer.Append( "HistoryWrite" );
return buffer.ToString( );
/// Gets the display text for the value rank attribute.
/// The value rank.
/// The value rank formatted as a string.
private static string GetValueRankDisplayText( int valueRank )
switch (valueRank)
case ValueRanks.Any: return "Any";
case ValueRanks.Scalar: return "Scalar";
case ValueRanks.ScalarOrOneDimension: return "ScalarOrOneDimension";
case ValueRanks.OneOrMoreDimensions: return "OneOrMoreDimensions";
case ValueRanks.OneDimension: return "OneDimension";
case ValueRanks.TwoDimensions: return "TwoDimensions";
return valueRank.ToString( );
/// Gets the display text for the specified attribute.
/// The currently active session.
/// The id of the attribute.
/// The value of the attribute.
/// The attribute formatted as a string.
public static string GetAttributeDisplayText( Session session, uint attributeId, Variant value )
if (value == Variant.Null)
return String.Empty;
switch (attributeId)
case Attributes.AccessLevel:
case Attributes.UserAccessLevel:
byte? field = value.Value as byte?;
if (field != null)
return GetAccessLevelDisplayText( field.Value );
case Attributes.EventNotifier:
byte? field = value.Value as byte?;
if (field != null)
return GetEventNotifierDisplayText( field.Value );
case Attributes.DataType:
return session.NodeCache.GetDisplayText( value.Value as NodeId );
case Attributes.ValueRank:
int? field = value.Value as int?;
if (field != null)
return GetValueRankDisplayText( field.Value );
case Attributes.NodeClass:
int? field = value.Value as int?;
if (field != null)
return ((NodeClass)field.Value).ToString( );
case Attributes.NodeId:
NodeId field = value.Value as NodeId;
if (!NodeId.IsNull( field ))
return field.ToString( );
return "Null";
// check for byte strings.
if (value.Value is byte[])
return Utils.ToHexString( value.Value as byte[] );
// use default format.
return value.ToString( );
/// Discovers the servers on the local machine.
/// The configuration.
/// A list of server urls.
public static IList DiscoverServers( ApplicationConfiguration configuration )
List serverUrls = new List( );
// set a short timeout because this is happening in the drop down event.
EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration = EndpointConfiguration.Create( configuration );
endpointConfiguration.OperationTimeout = 5000;
// Connect to the local discovery server and find the available servers.
using (DiscoveryClient client = DiscoveryClient.Create( new Uri( "opc.tcp://localhost:4840" ), endpointConfiguration ))
ApplicationDescriptionCollection servers = client.FindServers( null );
// populate the drop down list with the discovery URLs for the available servers.
for (int ii = 0; ii < servers.Count; ii++)
if (servers[ii].ApplicationType == ApplicationType.DiscoveryServer)
for (int jj = 0; jj < servers[ii].DiscoveryUrls.Count; jj++)
string discoveryUrl = servers[ii].DiscoveryUrls[jj];
// Many servers will use the '/discovery' suffix for the discovery endpoint.
// The URL without this prefix should be the base URL for the server.
if (discoveryUrl.EndsWith( "/discovery" ))
discoveryUrl = discoveryUrl.Substring( 0, discoveryUrl.Length - "/discovery".Length );
// ensure duplicates do not get added.
if (!serverUrls.Contains( discoveryUrl ))
serverUrls.Add( discoveryUrl );
return serverUrls;
/// Finds the endpoint that best matches the current settings.
/// The discovery URL.
/// if set to true select an endpoint that uses security.
/// The best available endpoint.
public static EndpointDescription SelectEndpoint( string discoveryUrl, bool useSecurity )
// needs to add the '/discovery' back onto non-UA TCP URLs.
if (!discoveryUrl.StartsWith( Utils.UriSchemeOpcTcp ))
if (!discoveryUrl.EndsWith( "/discovery" ))
discoveryUrl += "/discovery";
// parse the selected URL.
Uri uri = new Uri( discoveryUrl );
// set a short timeout because this is happening in the drop down event.
EndpointConfiguration configuration = EndpointConfiguration.Create( );
configuration.OperationTimeout = 5000;
EndpointDescription selectedEndpoint = null;
// Connect to the server's discovery endpoint and find the available configuration.
using (DiscoveryClient client = DiscoveryClient.Create( uri, configuration ))
EndpointDescriptionCollection endpoints = client.GetEndpoints( null );
// select the best endpoint to use based on the selected URL and the UseSecurity checkbox.
for (int ii = 0; ii < endpoints.Count; ii++)
EndpointDescription endpoint = endpoints[ii];
// check for a match on the URL scheme.
if (endpoint.EndpointUrl.StartsWith( uri.Scheme ))
// check if security was requested.
if (useSecurity)
if (endpoint.SecurityMode == MessageSecurityMode.None)
if (endpoint.SecurityMode != MessageSecurityMode.None)
// pick the first available endpoint by default.
if (selectedEndpoint == null)
selectedEndpoint = endpoint;
// The security level is a relative measure assigned by the server to the
// endpoints that it returns. Clients should always pick the highest level
// unless they have a reason not too.
if (endpoint.SecurityLevel > selectedEndpoint.SecurityLevel)
selectedEndpoint = endpoint;
// pick the first available endpoint by default.
if (selectedEndpoint == null && endpoints.Count > 0)
selectedEndpoint = endpoints[0];
// if a server is behind a firewall it may return URLs that are not accessible to the client.
// This problem can be avoided by assuming that the domain in the URL used to call
// GetEndpoints can be used to access any of the endpoints. This code makes that conversion.
// Note that the conversion only makes sense if discovery uses the same protocol as the endpoint.
Uri endpointUrl = Utils.ParseUri( selectedEndpoint.EndpointUrl );
if (endpointUrl != null && endpointUrl.Scheme == uri.Scheme)
UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder( endpointUrl );
builder.Host = uri.DnsSafeHost;
builder.Port = uri.Port;
selectedEndpoint.EndpointUrl = builder.ToString( );
// return the selected endpoint.
return selectedEndpoint;
/// Browses the address space and returns the references found.
/// The session.
/// The set of browse operations to perform.
/// if set to true a exception will be thrown on an error.
/// The references found. Null if an error occurred.
public static ReferenceDescriptionCollection Browse( Session session, BrowseDescriptionCollection nodesToBrowse, bool throwOnError )
ReferenceDescriptionCollection references = new ReferenceDescriptionCollection( );
BrowseDescriptionCollection unprocessedOperations = new BrowseDescriptionCollection( );
while (nodesToBrowse.Count > 0)
// start the browse operation.
BrowseResultCollection results = null;
DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null;
out results,
out diagnosticInfos );
ClientBase.ValidateResponse( results, nodesToBrowse );
ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos( diagnosticInfos, nodesToBrowse );
ByteStringCollection continuationPoints = new ByteStringCollection( );
for (int ii = 0; ii < nodesToBrowse.Count; ii++)
// check for error.
if (StatusCode.IsBad( results[ii].StatusCode ))
// this error indicates that the server does not have enough simultaneously active
// continuation points. This request will need to be resent after the other operations
// have been completed and their continuation points released.
if (results[ii].StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadNoContinuationPoints)
unprocessedOperations.Add( nodesToBrowse[ii] );
// check if all references have been fetched.
if (results[ii].References.Count == 0)
// save results.
references.AddRange( results[ii].References );
// check for continuation point.
if (results[ii].ContinuationPoint != null)
continuationPoints.Add( results[ii].ContinuationPoint );
// process continuation points.
ByteStringCollection revisedContiuationPoints = new ByteStringCollection( );
while (continuationPoints.Count > 0)
// continue browse operation.
out results,
out diagnosticInfos );
ClientBase.ValidateResponse( results, continuationPoints );
ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos( diagnosticInfos, continuationPoints );
for (int ii = 0; ii < continuationPoints.Count; ii++)
// check for error.
if (StatusCode.IsBad( results[ii].StatusCode ))
// check if all references have been fetched.
if (results[ii].References.Count == 0)
// save results.
references.AddRange( results[ii].References );
// check for continuation point.
if (results[ii].ContinuationPoint != null)
revisedContiuationPoints.Add( results[ii].ContinuationPoint );
// check if browsing must continue;
revisedContiuationPoints = continuationPoints;
// check if unprocessed results exist.
nodesToBrowse = unprocessedOperations;
// return complete list.
return references;
catch (Exception exception)
if (throwOnError)
throw new ServiceResultException( exception, StatusCodes.BadUnexpectedError );
return null;
/// Finds the type of the event for the notification.
/// The monitored item.
/// The notification.
/// The NodeId of the EventType.
public static NodeId FindEventType( MonitoredItem monitoredItem, EventFieldList notification )
EventFilter filter = monitoredItem.Status.Filter as EventFilter;
if (filter != null)
for (int ii = 0; ii < filter.SelectClauses.Count; ii++)
SimpleAttributeOperand clause = filter.SelectClauses[ii];
if (clause.BrowsePath.Count == 1 && clause.BrowsePath[0] == BrowseNames.EventType)
return notification.EventFields[ii].Value as NodeId;
return null;
/// Browses the address space and returns the references found.
/// The session.
/// The NodeId for the starting node.
/// if set to true a exception will be thrown on an error.
/// The references found. Null if an error occurred.
public static ReferenceDescriptionCollection Browse( Session session, BrowseDescription nodeToBrowse, bool throwOnError )
ReferenceDescriptionCollection references = new ReferenceDescriptionCollection( );
// construct browse request.
BrowseDescriptionCollection nodesToBrowse = new BrowseDescriptionCollection( );
nodesToBrowse.Add( nodeToBrowse );
// start the browse operation.
BrowseResultCollection results = null;
DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null;
out results,
out diagnosticInfos );
ClientBase.ValidateResponse( results, nodesToBrowse );
ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos( diagnosticInfos, nodesToBrowse );
// check for error.
if (StatusCode.IsBad( results[0].StatusCode ))
throw new ServiceResultException( results[0].StatusCode );
// process results.
for (int ii = 0; ii < results[0].References.Count; ii++)
references.Add( results[0].References[ii] );
// check if all references have been fetched.
if (results[0].References.Count == 0 || results[0].ContinuationPoint == null)
// continue browse operation.
ByteStringCollection continuationPoints = new ByteStringCollection( );
continuationPoints.Add( results[0].ContinuationPoint );
out results,
out diagnosticInfos );
ClientBase.ValidateResponse( results, continuationPoints );
ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos( diagnosticInfos, continuationPoints );
while (true);
//return complete list.
return references;
catch (Exception exception)
if (throwOnError)
throw new ServiceResultException( exception, StatusCodes.BadUnexpectedError );
return null;
/// Browses the address space and returns all of the supertypes of the specified type node.
/// The session.
/// The NodeId for a type node in the address space.
/// if set to true a exception will be thrown on an error.
/// The references found. Null if an error occurred.
public static ReferenceDescriptionCollection BrowseSuperTypes( Session session, NodeId typeId, bool throwOnError )
ReferenceDescriptionCollection supertypes = new ReferenceDescriptionCollection( );
// find all of the children of the field.
BrowseDescription nodeToBrowse = new BrowseDescription( );
nodeToBrowse.NodeId = typeId;
nodeToBrowse.BrowseDirection = BrowseDirection.Inverse;
nodeToBrowse.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.HasSubtype;
nodeToBrowse.IncludeSubtypes = false; // more efficient to use IncludeSubtypes=False when possible.
nodeToBrowse.NodeClassMask = 0; // the HasSubtype reference already restricts the targets to Types.
nodeToBrowse.ResultMask = (uint)BrowseResultMask.All;
ReferenceDescriptionCollection references = Browse( session, nodeToBrowse, throwOnError );
while (references != null && references.Count > 0)
// should never be more than one supertype.
supertypes.Add( references[0] );
// only follow references within this server.
if (references[0].NodeId.IsAbsolute)
// get the references for the next level up.
nodeToBrowse.NodeId = (NodeId)references[0].NodeId;
references = Browse( session, nodeToBrowse, throwOnError );
// return complete list.
return supertypes;
catch (Exception exception)
if (throwOnError)
throw new ServiceResultException( exception, StatusCodes.BadUnexpectedError );
return null;
/// Constructs an event object from a notification.
/// The session.
/// The monitored item that produced the notification.
/// The notification.
/// The known event types.
/// Mapping between event types and known event types.
/// The event object. Null if the notification is not a valid event type.
public static BaseEventState ConstructEvent(
Session session,
MonitoredItem monitoredItem,
EventFieldList notification,
Dictionary knownEventTypes,
Dictionary eventTypeMappings )
// find the event type.
NodeId eventTypeId = FindEventType( monitoredItem, notification );
if (eventTypeId == null)
return null;
// look up the known event type.
Type knownType = null;
NodeId knownTypeId = null;
if (eventTypeMappings.TryGetValue( eventTypeId, out knownTypeId ))
knownType = knownEventTypes[knownTypeId];
// try again.
if (knownType == null)
if (knownEventTypes.TryGetValue( eventTypeId, out knownType ))
knownTypeId = eventTypeId;
eventTypeMappings.Add( eventTypeId, eventTypeId );
// try mapping it to a known type.
if (knownType == null)
// browse for the supertypes of the event type.
ReferenceDescriptionCollection supertypes = FormUtils.BrowseSuperTypes( session, eventTypeId, false );
// can't do anything with unknown types.
if (supertypes == null)
return null;
// find the first supertype that matches a known event type.
for (int ii = 0; ii < supertypes.Count; ii++)
NodeId superTypeId = (NodeId)supertypes[ii].NodeId;
if (knownEventTypes.TryGetValue( superTypeId, out knownType ))
knownTypeId = superTypeId;
eventTypeMappings.Add( eventTypeId, superTypeId );
if (knownTypeId != null)
// can't do anything with unknown types.
if (knownTypeId == null)
return null;
// construct the event based on the known event type.
BaseEventState e = (BaseEventState)Activator.CreateInstance( knownType, new object[] { (NodeState)null } );
// get the filter which defines the contents of the notification.
EventFilter filter = monitoredItem.Status.Filter as EventFilter;
// initialize the event with the values in the notification.
e.Update( session.SystemContext, filter.SelectClauses, notification );
// save the orginal notification.
e.Handle = notification;
return e;
/// Returns the node ids for a set of relative paths.
/// An open session with the server to use.
/// The starting node for the relative paths.
/// The namespace URIs referenced by the relative paths.
/// The relative paths.
/// A collection of local nodes.
public static List TranslateBrowsePaths(
Session session,
NodeId startNodeId,
NamespaceTable namespacesUris,
params string[] relativePaths )
// build the list of browse paths to follow by parsing the relative paths.
BrowsePathCollection browsePaths = new BrowsePathCollection( );
if (relativePaths != null)
for (int ii = 0; ii < relativePaths.Length; ii++)
BrowsePath browsePath = new BrowsePath( );
// The relative paths used indexes in the namespacesUris table. These must be
// converted to indexes used by the server. An error occurs if the relative path
// refers to a namespaceUri that the server does not recognize.
// The relative paths may refer to ReferenceType by their BrowseName. The TypeTree object
// allows the parser to look up the server's NodeId for the ReferenceType.
browsePath.RelativePath = RelativePath.Parse(
session.NamespaceUris );
browsePath.StartingNode = startNodeId;
browsePaths.Add( browsePath );
// make the call to the server.
BrowsePathResultCollection results;
DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos;
ResponseHeader responseHeader = session.TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds(
out results,
out diagnosticInfos );
// ensure that the server returned valid results.
Session.ValidateResponse( results, browsePaths );
Session.ValidateDiagnosticInfos( diagnosticInfos, browsePaths );
// collect the list of node ids found.
List nodes = new List( );
for (int ii = 0; ii < results.Count; ii++)
// check if the start node actually exists.
if (StatusCode.IsBad( results[ii].StatusCode ))
nodes.Add( null );
// an empty list is returned if no node was found.
if (results[ii].Targets.Count == 0)
nodes.Add( null );
// Multiple matches are possible, however, the node that matches the type model is the
// one we are interested in here. The rest can be ignored.
BrowsePathTarget target = results[ii].Targets[0];
if (target.RemainingPathIndex != UInt32.MaxValue)
nodes.Add( null );
// The targetId is an ExpandedNodeId because it could be node in another server.
// The ToNodeId function is used to convert a local NodeId stored in a ExpandedNodeId to a NodeId.
nodes.Add( ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId( target.TargetId, session.NamespaceUris ) );
// return whatever was found.
return nodes;
/// Collects the fields for the type.
/// The session.
/// The fields.
/// The node id for the declaration of the field.
public static void CollectFieldsForType( Session session, NodeId typeId, SimpleAttributeOperandCollection fields, List fieldNodeIds )
// get the supertypes.
ReferenceDescriptionCollection supertypes = FormUtils.BrowseSuperTypes( session, typeId, false );
if (supertypes == null)
// process the types starting from the top of the tree.
Dictionary foundNodes = new Dictionary( );
QualifiedNameCollection parentPath = new QualifiedNameCollection( );
for (int ii = supertypes.Count - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
CollectFields( session, (NodeId)supertypes[ii].NodeId, parentPath, fields, fieldNodeIds, foundNodes );
// collect the fields for the selected type.
CollectFields( session, typeId, parentPath, fields, fieldNodeIds, foundNodes );
/// Collects the fields for the instance.
/// The session.
/// The fields.
/// The node id for the declaration of the field.
public static void CollectFieldsForInstance( Session session, NodeId instanceId, SimpleAttributeOperandCollection fields, List fieldNodeIds )
Dictionary foundNodes = new Dictionary( );
QualifiedNameCollection parentPath = new QualifiedNameCollection( );
CollectFields( session, instanceId, parentPath, fields, fieldNodeIds, foundNodes );
/// Collects the fields for the instance node.
/// The session.
/// The node id.
/// The parent path.
/// The event fields.
/// The node id for the declaration of the field.
/// The table of found nodes.
private static void CollectFields(
Session session,
NodeId nodeId,
QualifiedNameCollection parentPath,
SimpleAttributeOperandCollection fields,
List fieldNodeIds,
Dictionary foundNodes )
// find all of the children of the field.
BrowseDescription nodeToBrowse = new BrowseDescription( );
nodeToBrowse.NodeId = nodeId;
nodeToBrowse.BrowseDirection = BrowseDirection.Forward;
nodeToBrowse.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.Aggregates;
nodeToBrowse.IncludeSubtypes = true;
nodeToBrowse.NodeClassMask = (uint)(NodeClass.Object | NodeClass.Variable);
nodeToBrowse.ResultMask = (uint)BrowseResultMask.All;
ReferenceDescriptionCollection children = FormUtils.Browse( session, nodeToBrowse, false );
if (children == null)
// process the children.
for (int ii = 0; ii < children.Count; ii++)
ReferenceDescription child = children[ii];
if (child.NodeId.IsAbsolute)
// construct browse path.
QualifiedNameCollection browsePath = new QualifiedNameCollection( parentPath );
browsePath.Add( child.BrowseName );
// check if the browse path is already in the list.
int index = ContainsPath( fields, browsePath );
if (index < 0)
SimpleAttributeOperand field = new SimpleAttributeOperand( );
field.TypeDefinitionId = ObjectTypeIds.BaseEventType;
field.BrowsePath = browsePath;
field.AttributeId = (child.NodeClass == NodeClass.Variable) ? Attributes.Value : Attributes.NodeId;
fields.Add( field );
fieldNodeIds.Add( (NodeId)child.NodeId );
// recusively find all of the children.
NodeId targetId = (NodeId)child.NodeId;
// need to guard against loops.
if (!foundNodes.ContainsKey( targetId ))
foundNodes.Add( targetId, browsePath );
CollectFields( session, (NodeId)child.NodeId, browsePath, fields, fieldNodeIds, foundNodes );
/// Determines whether the specified select clause contains the browse path.
/// The select clause.
/// The browse path.
/// true if the specified select clause contains path; otherwise, false.
private static int ContainsPath( SimpleAttributeOperandCollection selectClause, QualifiedNameCollection browsePath )
for (int ii = 0; ii < selectClause.Count; ii++)
SimpleAttributeOperand field = selectClause[ii];
if (field.BrowsePath.Count != browsePath.Count)
bool match = true;
for (int jj = 0; jj < field.BrowsePath.Count; jj++)
if (field.BrowsePath[jj] != browsePath[jj])
match = false;
if (match)
return ii;
return -1;