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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core;
using WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core.Auth;
using WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core.Extensions;
using WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core.Implement;
using WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core.Support.Json;
namespace WalkingTec.Mvvm.Mvc
public abstract class BaseApiController : ControllerBase, IBaseController
public WTMContext Wtm { get; set; }
public Configs ConfigInfo { get => Wtm?.ConfigInfo; }
public GlobalData GlobaInfo { get => Wtm?.GlobaInfo; }
public IDistributedCache Cache { get => Wtm?.Cache; }
public string CurrentCS { get => Wtm?.CurrentCS; }
public DBTypeEnum? CurrentDbType { get => Wtm?.CurrentDbType; }
public IDataContext DC { get => Wtm?.DC; }
public string BaseUrl { get => Wtm?.BaseUrl; }
public IStringLocalizer Localizer { get => Wtm?.Localizer; }
//#region CreateVM
///// <summary>
///// Create a ViewModel, and pass Session,cache,dc...etc to the viewmodel
///// </summary>
///// <param name="VMType">The type of the viewmodel</param>
///// <param name="Id">If the viewmodel is a BaseCRUDVM, the data having this id will be fetched</param>
///// <param name="Ids">If the viewmodel is a BatchVM, the BatchVM's Ids property will be assigned</param>
///// <param name="values">properties of the viewmodel that you want to assign values</param>
///// <param name="passInit">if true, the viewmodel will not call InitVM internally</param>
///// <returns>ViewModel</returns>
//private BaseVM CreateVM(Type VMType, object Id = null, object[] Ids = null, Dictionary<string, object> values = null, bool passInit = false)
// //通过反射创建ViewModel并赋值
// var ctor = VMType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
// BaseVM rv = ctor.Invoke(null) as BaseVM;
// rv.Wtm = Wtm;
// rv.FC = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// rv.CreatorAssembly = this.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
// rv.ControllerName = this.GetType().FullName;
// if (HttpContext != null && HttpContext.Request != null)
// {
// try
// {
// if (Request.QueryString != QueryString.Empty)
// {
// foreach (var key in Request.Query.Keys)
// {
// if (rv.FC.Keys.Contains(key) == false)
// {
// rv.FC.Add(key, Request.Query[key]);
// }
// }
// }
// var f = HttpContext.Request.Form;
// foreach (var key in f.Keys)
// {
// if (rv.FC.Keys.Contains(key) == false)
// {
// rv.FC.Add(key, f[key]);
// }
// }
// }
// catch { }
// }
// //如果传递了默认值则给vm赋值
// if (values != null)
// {
// foreach (var v in values)
// {
// PropertyHelper.SetPropertyValue(rv, v.Key, v.Value, null, false);
// }
// }
// //如果ViewModel T继承自BaseCRUDVM<>且Id有值那么自动调用ViewModel的GetById方法
// if (Id != null && rv is IBaseCRUDVM<TopBasePoco> cvm)
// {
// cvm.SetEntityById(Id);
// }
// //如果ViewModel T继承自IBaseBatchVM<BaseVM>则自动为其中的ListVM和EditModel初始化数据
// if (rv is IBaseBatchVM<BaseVM> temp)
// {
// temp.Ids = new string[] { };
// if (Ids != null)
// {
// var tempids = new List<string>();
// foreach (var iid in Ids)
// {
// tempids.Add(iid.ToString());
// }
// temp.Ids = tempids.ToArray();
// }
// if (temp.ListVM != null)
// {
// temp.ListVM.CopyContext(rv);
// temp.ListVM.Ids = Ids == null ? new List<string>() : temp.Ids.ToList();
// temp.ListVM.SearcherMode = ListVMSearchModeEnum.Batch;
// temp.ListVM.NeedPage = false;
// }
// if (temp.LinkedVM != null)
// {
// temp.LinkedVM.CopyContext(rv);
// }
// if (temp.ListVM != null)
// {
// //绑定ListVM的OnAfterInitList事件当ListVM的InitList完成时自动将操作列移除
// temp.ListVM.OnAfterInitList += (self) =>
// {
// self.RemoveActionColumn();
// self.RemoveAction();
// if (temp.ErrorMessage.Count > 0)
// {
// self.AddErrorColumn();
// }
// };
// if (temp.ListVM.Searcher != null)
// {
// var searcher = temp.ListVM.Searcher;
// searcher.CopyContext(rv);
// if (passInit == false)
// {
// searcher.DoInit();
// }
// }
// }
// temp.LinkedVM?.DoInit();
// //temp.ListVM?.DoSearch();
// }
// //如果ViewModel是ListVM则初始化Searcher并调用Searcher的InitVM方法
// if (rv is IBasePagedListVM<TopBasePoco, ISearcher> lvm)
// {
// var searcher = lvm.Searcher;
// searcher.CopyContext(rv);
// if (passInit == false)
// {
// //获取保存在Cookie中的搜索条件的值并自动给Searcher中的对应字段赋值
// string namePre = ConfigInfo.CookiePre + "`Searcher" + "`" + rv.VMFullName + "`";
// Type searcherType = searcher.GetType();
// var pros = searcherType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).ToList();
// pros.Add(searcherType.GetProperty("IsValid"));
// searcher.DoInit();
// }
// }
// if (rv is IBaseImport<BaseTemplateVM> tvm)
// {
// var template = tvm.Template;
// template.CopyContext(rv);
// template.DoInit();
// }
// //自动调用ViewMode的InitVM方法
// if (passInit == false)
// {
// rv.DoInit();
// }
// return rv;
///// <summary>
///// Create a ViewModel, and pass Session,cache,dc...etc to the viewmodel
///// </summary>
///// <typeparam name="T">The type of the viewmodel</typeparam>
///// <param name="Id">If the viewmodel is a BaseCRUDVM, the data having this id will be fetched</param>
///// <param name="Ids">If the viewmodel is a BatchVM, the BatchVM's Ids property will be assigned</param>
///// <param name="values">use Lambda to set viewmodel's properties,use && for multiply properties, for example Wtm.CreateVM<Test>(values: x=>x.Field1=='a' && x.Field2 == 'b'); will set viewmodel's Field1 to 'a' and Field2 to 'b'</param>
///// <param name="passInit">if true, the viewmodel will not call InitVM internally</param>
///// <returns>ViewModel</returns>
//public T Wtm.CreateVM<T>(object Id = null, object[] Ids = null, Expression<Func<T, object>> values = null, bool passInit = false) where T : BaseVM
// SetValuesParser p = new SetValuesParser();
// var dir = p.Parse(values);
// return CreateVM(typeof(T), Id, Ids, dir, passInit) as T;
///// <summary>
///// Create a ViewModel, and pass Session,cache,dc...etc to the viewmodel
///// </summary>
///// <param name="VmFullName">the fullname of the viewmodel's type</param>
///// <param name="Id">If the viewmodel is a BaseCRUDVM, the data having this id will be fetched</param>
///// <param name="Ids">If the viewmodel is a BatchVM, the BatchVM's Ids property will be assigned</param>
///// <param name="passInit">if true, the viewmodel will not call InitVM internally</param>
///// <returns>ViewModel</returns>
//public BaseVM CreateVM(string VmFullName, object Id = null, object[] Ids = null, bool passInit = false)
// return CreateVM(Type.GetType(VmFullName), Id, Ids, null, passInit);
#region ReInit model
private void SetReInit(ModelStateDictionary msd, BaseVM model)
var reinit = model.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ReInitAttribute), false).Cast<ReInitAttribute>().SingleOrDefault();
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (reinit != null && (reinit.ReInitMode == ReInitModes.SUCCESSONLY || reinit.ReInitMode == ReInitModes.ALWAYS))
if (reinit == null || (reinit.ReInitMode == ReInitModes.FAILEDONLY || reinit.ReInitMode == ReInitModes.ALWAYS))
#region Validate model
public Dictionary<string, string> RedoValidation(object item)
Dictionary<string, string> rv = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var e in ControllerContext.ModelState)
if (e.Value.ValidationState == ModelValidationState.Invalid)
rv.Add(e.Key, e.Value.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage).ToSepratedString());
return rv;
#region update viewmodel
/// <summary>
/// Set viewmodel's properties to the matching items posted by user
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vm">ViewModel</param>
/// <param name="prefix">prefix</param>
/// <returns>true if success</returns>
public bool RedoUpdateModel(object vm, string prefix = null)
BaseVM bvm = vm as BaseVM;
foreach (var item in bvm.FC.Keys)
PropertyHelper.SetPropertyValue(vm, item, bvm.FC[item], prefix, true);
return true;
return false;
protected JsonResult JsonMore(object data, int statusCode = StatusCodes.Status200OK, string msg = "success")
return new JsonResult(new JsonResultT<object> { Msg = msg, Code = statusCode, Data = data });