43 lines
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43 lines
1.7 KiB
using System;
namespace S7.Net
public class InvalidDataException : Exception
public byte[] ReceivedData { get; }
public int ErrorIndex { get; }
public byte ExpectedValue { get; }
public InvalidDataException(string message, byte[] receivedData, int errorIndex, byte expectedValue)
: base(FormatMessage(message, receivedData, errorIndex, expectedValue))
ReceivedData = receivedData;
ErrorIndex = errorIndex;
ExpectedValue = expectedValue;
protected InvalidDataException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
ReceivedData = (byte[]) info.GetValue(nameof(ReceivedData), typeof(byte[]));
ErrorIndex = info.GetInt32(nameof(ErrorIndex));
ExpectedValue = info.GetByte(nameof(ExpectedValue));
private static string FormatMessage(string message, byte[] receivedData, int errorIndex, byte expectedValue)
if (errorIndex >= receivedData.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(errorIndex),
$"{nameof(errorIndex)} {errorIndex} is outside the bounds of {nameof(receivedData)} with length {receivedData.Length}.");
return $"{message} Invalid data received. Expected '{expectedValue}' at index {errorIndex}, " +
$"but received {receivedData[errorIndex]}. See the {nameof(ReceivedData)} property " +
"for the full message received.";
} |